Lyme Disease Awareness Post: Toxins and Exposures…A Good Lesson for Everyone

Photo Credit By Cottonbro at
Many blessings everyone. Here’s another Lyme Disease Awareness Post that could help EVERYONE. I have learned a great deal about toxins and toxic exposure. It impacts people with Lyme Disease in more ways then I like. However I’m now more aware of what’s in various products, what I put on my body, cleaning products and pay more attention to my work environment and how it can all effect me and my son.
Check out my video and learn about toxins and take the challenge and while you’re at it, please subscribe to my channel at divinewryte.

We are surrounded by pollutants and toxins everyday, we may not be able to fully control what’s outside or at our work environments fully. In this video I talk about ways where bit by bit you can make changes that will enhance your life and keep you and your family safer. I encourage you as well to talk to your jobs if you are at an office about ways they can be a safer environment from cleaning products, cleaning the air vents, air filtration systems and even looking at the various equipment used like copiers, computers, printers for example and see if there are some on the market that wouldn’t expel toxins.
Photo Credit By Andrea Piacquadio from
I invite you to also continue checking out my health and wellness coaching website where you can read blogs about detoxification methods on a budget and read about health and wellness.
Take good care, be well and wishing you good health.

#LymeDisease #LymeDiseaseAwareness #Toxins #ToxicExposure #GoNatural #Health #HealthyLifeStyle

Let’s Learn about Toxins and Exposure

Greetings, below you will find a video where I talk about Toxins and Exposure. Everyone unfortunately is exposed and I talked about my journey with toxic overload and just how I was able to control some of what I was subjected to in regards to exposure. I’ve learned a great deal along this journey with both being diagnosed with Lyme Disease, other family members health battles and now being a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

Check out the video and I hope that you can learn a few things and start doing your own research. I challenge you to start making changes even if it’s just one simple thing you can do in your household to lower toxins and exposure. Peace, love and light.