Writing The Next Chapter Class for the Holidays for Caregivers, December 13th, 2023

Writing the Next Chapter: Embracing Self-Care During and After Caregiving, Wednesday, December 13th at 7pm EST (FREE AND VIRTUAL)!

Join us online for a workshop where participants will walk away with written next steps, take-aways to help them along their path, self-care techniques and write a letter or poem to loved ones or themselves.

What to expect: In this 2-hour workshop, we will go through the journey as a caregiver, poems from Crying Tears of Teal and how it is helping many as a resource, a self-care inventory and look at easy ways that we can take better care of ourselves, do some mindfulness exercises and more.

Whether we are caring for a loved one due to illness, when they heal or unfortunately pass away; we are left with asking ourselves, “where do we go from here and what is next for me?” I lost both my younger sister and mother 2.5 years apart. While I was my mother’s caregiver when she had Ovarian Cancer, I took very good care of her, but lost sight of myself. I didn’t take care of myself, even down to the basics and after I lost her. My sense of purpose was blurry, and I needed help getting back on my path and even figuring out what my new path looked like. In this workshop we will explore my poetry book, Crying Tears of Teal which was partially written at my mother’s bedside and some take-aways from the book. We will look at where we are presently standing as caregivers or former ones, review our feelings and emotions, take a self-care inventory to see if we are taking care of ourselves (are we eating, going to the doctor, sleeping, working out) and start to look at what do we need and want for ourselves, what are our dreams and goals and what would our loved ones want for us now and in the future.”

Register below to save your seat and receive reminders for the event! Also, remember it’s FREE AND VIRTUAL!


#caregivers #caregiving #selfcare #journey #empathy #compassion

What’s Next for Me FREE Virtual Workshop, Tuesday, April 19th, 7pm EST (for caregivers, former caregivers and those preparing)

Photo Credit by Pixaby

What’s Next for Me on My Path FREE Virtual Workshop: Based Around Serena Wills Poetry Book, “Crying Tears of Teal” 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 7pm EST

Caregiving requires resilience. Join me for a workshop based around my poetry book, “Crying Tears of Teal” where you will get actionable advice for how to utilize self-care to stay resilient. Workshop is FREE and sponsored by Alexandria City Public Libraries (thank you for being a host and so gracious)! Click the link below to register 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Check out the testimonies from past participants:
“Thank you for sharing your story. I appreciate the self-care tips too. Having just lost my mom due to ovarian cancer and being her previous caregiver, on the outside I may seem okay, but internally I’m crumbling. Your story was inspirational and everything you taught will help me.” Employee from Ardmore organization
“Serena delivered a phenomenal presentation on wellness and self-care tips! the audience loved the flow and learned a lot from her about how to reduce stress. Thank you again!” Valencia Folks, Owner and Founder of Rhythm of Yoga Studio

Participants will be able to reflect on their own journey, look at where they are presently standing as caregivers or former ones, review feelings and emotions, take a self-care inventory to see if they are taking care of themselves. Let’s work together to make sure you’re taking care of yourself while caring for others.

#caregivers #caregiving #selfcare #selfcarematters

One Kind Word Goes a Very Long Way

Photo Credit Unknown

Many blessings everyone!! One of my Aunt’s sent the image above to me earlier today. One kind word can truly change the trajectory of someone’s day. They can have a tough day ahead and your kind word can push them through. You never know the impact of one kind word until you say it and sometimes it may happen at the end of the day. If that is the case, pause and give thanks for the kindness.

Also, be kind to yourself today too. Look at yourself in the mirror and say something positive to yourself.

Photo Credit By Pavel Danilyuk at Pexels.com

I remember leading a group through my Calm Connection Workplace Wellness Program recently through a variety of meditation’s. One in particular was the Loving Kindness Meditation and it felt so wonderful to not only share this with people, but to show them how just a little bit of kindness towards themselves and others can shift their entire day!

If you know of an organization, small company, Health practice or a group that could benefit from self-care workshops and a Workplace Wellness program; then please send them my way. It’s a blessing to help teach people how to de-stress while they are going through their day and how to be kind to themselves. You can find out more about my program by clicking here.

Be well everyone!!! Take good care. Remember to be kind to others and make sure to do the same for yourself. Many blessings.

#youareworthy #healthandwellness #selfcare #lovingkindness #lovingkindnessmeditation #workplacewellness #coachinglife

A Mindful Moment to Reset (Just 60 seconds)

Photo credit by Matheus Natan on Pexels.com
Blessings everyone! We are back from seeing family. It was a beautiful and much needed time. We are full from love and feel restored.
I received an email today that I had to share with everyone. My alma mater (Maryland University of Integrative Health) sends out daily tips for wellness. Today’s read,
“Take a mindful minute before your next meeting or starting a new work task. It’s amazing how just 60 seconds of silence can calm and refresh the mind. While at your desk, get up at least every 60 minutes and walk around. Stretching and engaging your body can help switch the channel in your brain and help you think more creatively.”
I will even take it a step further and say ‘new task’ overall. There are some people here that are caregivers to loved ones and some parents and guardians have kicked off the school year already with their children or your job doesn’t require a desk…you may be on your feet all day or driving.
So just 60 seconds of calm can truly make a difference. I’ve taken a breather while washing the dishes. Might not sound like much to some, but to be very present and not think about the next task for even just a minute, to do deep breathing or think of a joyous memory during that time can truly make the difference and reset the course of the day. It may be before you eat a meal…take a moment of calm and silence to reset.
Photo Credit by Brett Jordan of Pexels.com
I hope this has helped someone and thank you for stopping by as always. Please feel free to like and share this post.
If you or if you know someone who can benefit from health and wellness coaching or interested in a self care series at your job and would like to learn more, then I invite you to book a brief complimentary info session. Please contact me  at divinewryte.com/contact/
May peace be with each of you.
#SelfCare #mindfulness #mindfulminute #healthandwellnesscoach #healthiswealth #resetyourmind #MUIH

Free Virtual Women’s Health Summit (February 6-7th, 2021)

Many Blessings Everyone!!! Ladies mark your calendar for a Free Women’s Health Summit taking place virtually this weekend (February 6th & 7th). I will be talking about GYN & Ovarian Cancer Awareness on Saturday. You must register in order to attend.

Registration link is right here: https://rb.gy/kxugmf

As for the men…please share with your networks and the women in your life.

Please spread the word and hope to see you there!

#womenshealth #healthsummit