Lyme Disease Awareness Post: Misdiagnosis and Imitation of other illnesses


Lyme Disease Awareness Post: Misdiagnosis and Imitation of other Illnesses:

Lyme disease causes an array of symptoms and mimics tons of diseases, disorders and illnesses. It’s nicknamed, “The Great Imitator.”

As you will see in the video on YouTube (feel free to click to watch and subscribe), I was misdiagnosed with stress, anxiety, asthma, flu, pleurisy, pneumonia, ALS, Whipple’s disease (yep, it’s an actual disease…), Lupus and multiple sclerosis. Going through 10 misdiagnoses in 3 months was beyond stressful.

The reason I was misdiagnosed is because the multitude of symptoms that I had all mimicked every disease, disorder and illness that I posted and talk about in the video. That gives you an idea what people with Lyme are going through. Once all of the stress tests, labs, MRI’s (although abnormal, I don’t have MS), scans and spinal tap came back that these were all wrong, then they were deemed as a misdiagnosis. I’m glad by then I met my Integrative Health doctor. The only one they had to watch was the MS misdiagnosis because I had 13 lesions in my brain that almost looked like the pattern of MS and inflammation due to Neuro Lyme and Co-infections.

It’s a lot, but people in the Lyme community are RESILIENT, we are Lyme warriors indeed. Many are still struggling, and some are new to Lyme, and I pray for them daily.

Thank you for stopping by to learn more about Lyme and the journey. Stay tuned for more posts. 💚💚💚

#lymedisease #lymewarrior #lymediseaseawarenessmonth #greatimitator #educate #advocate #divinewrytewellness

Living with Lyme Disease on The Victory Speaks Show

Blessings everyone! A big thank you to everyone who was able to tune into the Victory Speaks show on May 31st as we closed out Lyme disease Awareness Month. Many thanks to Nicole Donawa Waldron, the host of Victory Speaks, for a fantastic show. For those who didn’t get a chance to watch or couldn’t see the whole show, please check out the replay on YouTube and subscribe to our channels VictorySpeaks7 and divinewryte.

Although the month has ended and we are starting a new, I will always advocate for more research, way more treatments to be covered by insurance and educate people about Lyme disease all year long. So stay tuned for more updates from the field, the Lyme community and about my upcoming memoir that is about my battle with Lyme disease. Be well, safe and many blessings.

#lymewarrior #lymediseaseawarenessmonth #victoryspeaks #lymedisease