Blessings everyone. Here is another Lyme Disease Awareness Post. As you can see from the video I address some questions asked about statistics in the United States. I also talk about deficiencies that Lyme can cause and how to detect what’s happening.
I also invite you to go on my YouTube page where you can view other videos about Health and Wellness and even my writing ventures. Please like them and subscribe to my channel at “divinewryte”
A picture of me and my son taken weeks before the tick bite.
Parenting is quite a task. You want your children to have the best in life. So what happens when the parent or both parents become very ill?
I was diagnosed with Lyme disease winter 2012 although my mental health started crashing before this after losing my sister and mother 2.5 years apart from one another. My son had just turned 1. There were days when I didn’t know how I was going to function yet take care of my son. Its one thing to be a parent but a whole other ballgame when you’re a single parent.There were moments when fear struck and I went to very dark places in my thoughts. Many days and nights I cried asking God to please heal me because I need to be there for my son. But every morning I was just trying to get out of bed in pain, fatigued, foggy, poor balance or whatever else struck me that day. But my son would look at me in his crib with those big brown eyes and he gave me the determination to get our day started. Even when he would cry out for me or when he was just simply giggling it gave me energy and hope.
When I reached out to other parents on the forum called The Healing Well I knew I was not alone. All of them like me had one thing on their mind and that was getting well for their children and spouses for those who are married. Whether they were/are bedridden, hospitalized or able to function but were still ill.
What I did instead of thinking about a lot of dark thoughts was turn those into prayers and meditation. I won’t lie there were challenging times when I wish my life was different and that I wasn’t alone everyday with my son. But for some reason I believe that this illness is gonna make me so much stronger as a mother and a person. It’s also preparing me for my future husband (whomever and where ever he is).
Dealing with an illness takes a lot of patience as well as raising a child. I’ve had to learn to grow my patience even more. Between waiting for my complete and total healing, numerous doctors appointments, maintaining my household and also raising my now two year old.
A few things I would like to tell other parents that are dealing with an illness is to try to remain positive, focus on other things besides your self such as your children, if you’re married write down things you would like to do after you heal with your family and lastly don’t be afraid to ask for help.
The last one was the toughest one for me. I was always so used to reaching out to my mother when I was in trouble but now that she is deceased I have to reach out to other family and even friends.Also during that time I became very close to quite a few single mothers who tremendously stepped up and helped me out. We created our own support group to lean on each other. They might not have been physically ill but a few of them have some emotional stresses, financial challenges and we’re there to really pray and support one another. There were also married couples who have embraced us and help us out, give advice, talk when needed and they are a glimmer of hope for me as well.
If you can reach out to other families like yourselves and whether its for help or you just want somebody to fellowship with it really does make a difference.
For those parents and loved ones who are not ill the one thing you can do for parents with illnesses is to reach out to them and ask them how can you be of service to them. Whether it is a phone call, a visit, even a letter goes really long way. I have a good friend in New York City who is like a sister to me and she got groceries sent to me because she knew I was low on cash and needed them. It meant so much to me to know how much people cared.
Photo by Pixaby
There is one parent on the forum I belonged to who truly inspired me. Her kids are now grown but most of their childhood if not all of it she was very ill. She told parents on the forum that she was afraid that her kids would grow up to resent her. What she decided to do was home school her children. This effort took incredible strength and courage on her end. As they got older they told her how much they loved her and that they never resented her.
There is also nothing like a kiss or a hug from your child or having them cuddle next to you when you’re not feeling well. It’s truly healing. My son played a game with me. He would run into the bedroom and run under the covers and it’s as if he was waiting for me to find him.
Children are healing and beautiful angels sent from God and if you have a spouse please let them help you and also accept their love.
I will leave you with these few pointers that I found to be personally helpful:
If you can move then do light workouts and have your family join you like yoga or stretches.
Do small activities with your kids like color, read a book to them OR they can read to you.
If you have older kids talk to them about their day and if they want to know how you are feeling tell them the truth. Teens want to know what’s going on and are helpful.
If you can’t attend school activities have someone record them, FB Live, Skype, etc.
Try to stay in a positive place mentally…you’re allowed to go to dark places at time (we are human) but don’t stay there.
Fellowship with other parents. Invite them over…they can be helpful.
Write in a journal (things you want to do with your family once you’re well, dreams and goals for your family).
Try to do some of your favorite things that don’t require a lot of energy (I know it’s hard…trust me). I couldn’t African dance for years but I would watch and get the energy. I couldn’t attend church so I would stream online.
I’m with you in this journey…love and light.
Photo by Tom Swinnen from Pexels
(This is part one of this article as I know some illnesses aren’t temporary and are terminal, stay tuned for part two in the future).
Blessings everyone, I hope all is well. Here is my second post on Lyme Disease Awareness Month which talks about prevention. Just a correction to my video, the infected ticks can pass on the bacteria Borrelia to a person that could cause Lyme Disease.
Not every person who is bitten by a tick will get Lyme Disease.
Take good care, be well and wishing each of you good health.
Blessings everyone. I hope all is well. As you might have read from my website is that I have battled Lyme Disease. May is Lyme Disease Awareness month and each week I will post a video about what this disease is and preventative measures.
Here’s a video on my YouTube channel. Please feel free to like my video and subscribe to my channel. Many prayers to my brothers and sisters out there battling this disease or recovering from it. Thankful for the doctor’s who know how to treat those with this disease, the ones who listen, practitioners, support groups and the caregivers.
Hello everyone! I wanted to pop on and invite everyone to check out a conversation I had on the Dr. Vibe Show about Lyme Disease recently. I talked about my personal battle with this disease and took questions from the listeners/watchers.
Wait a minute and pause, you may not know what Lyme Disease is. Here is a quick explanation:
According to Wikepedia this is what they say, “(Lyme borreliosis) is an infectious disease caused by at least three species of bacteria called Borrelia. Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto and is the main cause of Lyme disease in North America passed on by infected ticks biting people or animals.
Whereas Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii cause most European cases. The disease is named after the towns of Lyme and Old Lyme, Connecticut, US, where a number of cases were identified in 1975. Although it was known that Lyme disease was a tick-borne disease as far back as 1978, the cause of the disease remained a mystery until 1981, when B. Burgdorferi was identified by Willy Burgdorfer. Borrelia is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected ticks.
Long story short, Lyme Disease can be transmitted through an infected tick that carries a very nasty bacteria. Then there are co-infections of Lyme that we will talk about another day.
Early symptoms may include fever, headache, fatigue, depression, and a characteristic circular skin rash called erythema migraines (EM). Left untreated, later symptoms may involve the joints, heart, and central nervous system. In some cases, the infection and its symptoms are eliminated by antibiotics, especially if the illness is treated early. Delayed or inadequate treatment can lead to more serious symptoms, which can be disabling and difficult to treat.
There were some very dark days when I battled Lyme Disease and I was poorly misdiagnosed several times as you will hear on the Dr. Vibe chat. I will continue to share with everyone my battle with Lyme Disease. It impacted my mind, body and spirit in so many ways. I learned who my true family and friends were/are, who were not and throughout the battle once I got over the mountain and started getting better, I got stronger in every aspect of my life and became an advocate for Lyme Disease research, survivors and their families. Lyme Disease is very personal. There is not a magical pill or protocol that everyone can take and they are cured! Everyone’s body handles Lyme differently because of how the bacteria manifests in our bodies. Between Lyme Disease, watching my mother battle Ovarian Cancer and passing away and a couple of other health struggles with loved ones is what lead me to becoming a Health and Wellness Coach.
Stay tuned for more blogs as I will talk about my journey with Lyme. There is hope and if you have Lyme Disease please don’t feel as if you are alone. I am here for you as well as thousands of survivors. You can make it through this journey!