One Kind Word Goes a Very Long Way

Photo Credit Unknown

Many blessings everyone!! One of my Aunt’s sent the image above to me earlier today. One kind word can truly change the trajectory of someone’s day. They can have a tough day ahead and your kind word can push them through. You never know the impact of one kind word until you say it and sometimes it may happen at the end of the day. If that is the case, pause and give thanks for the kindness.

Also, be kind to yourself today too. Look at yourself in the mirror and say something positive to yourself.

Photo Credit By Pavel Danilyuk at

I remember leading a group through my Calm Connection Workplace Wellness Program recently through a variety of meditation’s. One in particular was the Loving Kindness Meditation and it felt so wonderful to not only share this with people, but to show them how just a little bit of kindness towards themselves and others can shift their entire day!

If you know of an organization, small company, Health practice or a group that could benefit from self-care workshops and a Workplace Wellness program; then please send them my way. It’s a blessing to help teach people how to de-stress while they are going through their day and how to be kind to themselves. You can find out more about my program by clicking here.

Be well everyone!!! Take good care. Remember to be kind to others and make sure to do the same for yourself. Many blessings.

#youareworthy #healthandwellness #selfcare #lovingkindness #lovingkindnessmeditation #workplacewellness #coachinglife

Put Out Good Energy

Meditation Cards by Louise Hayes
Many blessings today! I loved this meditation card. I’m cognizant to put out good and positive energy because I want too and pray that it is received and that I get it back in return. If I don’t then I’m still going to remain as positive as possible.
What I’ve learned is that sometimes you don’t always get back the good energy that you put out there. Always stay true to who you are. One morning started off with a little confusion and I felt a bit frazzled. When this happens, I stop what I’m doing and do the loving kindness meditation.
I said, “May I have peace, may I have positive resolve, may I have clarity.” I said that to myself mindfully, 3-4 times with my eyes closed. It really helped me out.
Just wanted to stop by. Keep being amazing and be blessed everyone.