Mindful Eating Tip: Put That Fork Down!

Blessings everyone, I hope all is well. Today I wanted to stop by and share with you what is mindful eating and a tip by doing a demonstration about putting the fork/spoon and glass down. A lot of people are using the word “mindfulness” but don’t know all that it is and that it can be applied to eating, whether you’re home or out at a restaurant. You can also do what’s called “mindful grocery shopping” and be more cognizant of the variety of colors of veggies and fruits you’re buying for example, looking at what ingredients are in certain foods, how much sugar is in the juice, etc. Instead of looking at price tags mostly…looking at what’s in the food, colors, variety and if it’s good for you and your loved ones. Even if it’s a treat (because we all deserve a treat once in a while) what’s in it and will it agree with your stomach.

Photo Credit By Kindel Media at Pexels.com

Mindful Eating is not a fad, a diet or anything like that…it’s about us building a good relationship with our food and looking at how we eat as you will see in the video.

Photo Credit by Nicole Michalou from Pexels.com

Stay tuned for more mindful eating segments and a series of workshops that I’m putting together to walk people through the basics of mindful eating. I will release info on my health and wellness coaching website (Divine Wryte Wellness) at www.divinewryte.com and my social media handles at divinewryte (and Facebook at divinewrytewellness) Have a wonderful day!

#mindfuleating #goodhabits #healthyrelationshipwithfood #goodfood #healthandwellness #healtylifestyle #healthandwellnesscoaching

Lyme Disease Awareness Post: Toxins and Exposures…A Good Lesson for Everyone

Photo Credit By Cottonbro at Pexels.com
Many blessings everyone. Here’s another Lyme Disease Awareness Post that could help EVERYONE. I have learned a great deal about toxins and toxic exposure. It impacts people with Lyme Disease in more ways then I like. However I’m now more aware of what’s in various products, what I put on my body, cleaning products and pay more attention to my work environment and how it can all effect me and my son.
Check out my video and learn about toxins and take the challenge and while you’re at it, please subscribe to my channel at divinewryte.

We are surrounded by pollutants and toxins everyday, we may not be able to fully control what’s outside or at our work environments fully. In this video I talk about ways where bit by bit you can make changes that will enhance your life and keep you and your family safer. I encourage you as well to talk to your jobs if you are at an office about ways they can be a safer environment from cleaning products, cleaning the air vents, air filtration systems and even looking at the various equipment used like copiers, computers, printers for example and see if there are some on the market that wouldn’t expel toxins.
Photo Credit By Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.com
I invite you to also continue checking out my health and wellness coaching website where you can read blogs about detoxification methods on a budget and read about health and wellness.
Take good care, be well and wishing you good health.

#LymeDisease #LymeDiseaseAwareness #Toxins #ToxicExposure #GoNatural #Health #HealthyLifeStyle

Free Virtual Women’s Health Summit (February 6-7th, 2021)

Many Blessings Everyone!!! Ladies mark your calendar for a Free Women’s Health Summit taking place virtually this weekend (February 6th & 7th). I will be talking about GYN & Ovarian Cancer Awareness on Saturday. You must register in order to attend.

Registration link is right here: https://rb.gy/kxugmf

As for the men…please share with your networks and the women in your life.

Please spread the word and hope to see you there!

#womenshealth #healthsummit