Blessings everyone, I hope all is well. Today I wanted to stop by and share with you what is mindful eating and a tip by doing a demonstration about putting the fork/spoon and glass down. A lot of people are using the word “mindfulness” but don’t know all that it is and that it can be applied to eating, whether you’re home or out at a restaurant. You can also do what’s called “mindful grocery shopping” and be more cognizant of the variety of colors of veggies and fruits you’re buying for example, looking at what ingredients are in certain foods, how much sugar is in the juice, etc. Instead of looking at price tags mostly…looking at what’s in the food, colors, variety and if it’s good for you and your loved ones. Even if it’s a treat (because we all deserve a treat once in a while) what’s in it and will it agree with your stomach.
Mindful Eating is not a fad, a diet or anything like that…it’s about us building a good relationship with our food and looking at how we eat as you will see in the video.
Stay tuned for more mindful eating segments and a series of workshops that I’m putting together to walk people through the basics of mindful eating. I will release info on my health and wellness coaching website (Divine Wryte Wellness) at and my social media handles at divinewryte (and Facebook at divinewrytewellness) Have a wonderful day!
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