Empathy vs. Sympathy…Everyone Needs a Listening Ear

Many blessings everyone. Today I wanted to focus on empathy. In this video by Dr. Brene Brown, it really talks about the difference between empathy and sympathy.

Empathy is when you can put yourself in that person’s shoes, feel what they are going through, being a good listening ear without judgement and simply letting your loved one know that you’re there and thankful they told you what is going on. Connection can truly help out a person in so many ways!Discover within your circle or even just one person that you can talk to without judgement, can emphasize and actively listen without inserting their opinion.

Part of coaching is we actively listen to our clients from a place of non-judgement and compassion in order to assist them in moving forward. If you would like to learn more about health and wellness coaching, then please reach out by contacting me here.Enjoy this video and remember…everyone doesn’t know how to emphasize, but all you need sometimes is just one person who can connect with you.

#empathy #sympathy #activelistening #connection #healthandwellnesscoaching #wellness

Bedside Manner 101 (Remember that You Deserve the Best Care)!

Photo Credit By: Liza Summer of Pexels.com
Long post alert..but it’s worth it (Bedside Manner 101):
Peace, love and light everyone, I hope all is well. I wanted to stop by and share a recent experience I had with a new doctor who has no bedside manner. For those who have not heard of this term it means a few things. There’s a lack of or no compassion expressed, their listening skills is low, yes they are the experts medically BUT even though you are the expert of your own body they try to downplay what you do know about your own self, condition and they even will go as far as to state that a couple of the other doctors you may have on your medical team like I do are wrong (know it all’s). Although my doctors or practitioners have been in their field for years, have great reviews and have taken me a mighty and long way, this new doctor seemed to not care.
During my appointment I had to tell the doctor a couple of times, “I’m not here to argue with you.” If you find yourself having to say that to a doctor, health practitioner, etc, that is already an indication of red flags and they aren’t a good fit. I also had to state that I have been doing lots of research about Lyme disease and have been studying underneath world renowned doctors because I wanted to know more about all that was happening to me when I was diagnosed, see what others in the Lyme community struggle with and how to treat with a few lingering symptoms. The new doctor went on to say that some of what we were doing was not scientifically proven therefore he doesn’t support it. (Shaking my head by this point).
Photo Credit by Wallace Chuck at Pexels.com
I’m stopping by to let folks know that you don’t have to put up with doctors or practitioners like this. What I had to do in the midst of that appointment was take a few deep breaths behind my mask, told him exactly what I needed which I did receive which were labs and he even suggested some other tests that I agreed to that are necessary and went on about my business. I will also look for another specialist to take those results too because I’m not going to deal with him again.
During times like this, stress levels are extra high, when you are already dealing with a medical condition it puts even more strain on you as a person and your loved ones. The last thing you need is someone who’s going to talk down to you, who lacks compassion and really needs to learn about bedside manner no matter how long they’ve been a doctor or practitioner.
Photo Credit by Dr. Alison Chen
I’ve actually worked with clients of mine on this very topic and for it to happen to me again is like deja vu. I also did not hold in my emotions. When I got to a safe space which was my car this particular day, I turned on some inspirational music, I didn’t just drive right off and I let out a good cry. Crying is healing and I had to let it out. I also reached out to a couple of Elders that I trust and had them cover me in prayers and love.
Photo Credit By: Polina Zimmerman Pexels.com
Long story short, you deserve the very best for whoever is reading this, if someone is not going to work out on your medical team, your loved ones team if you are caregiver and the list goes on, then you can request another doctor or practitioner which is what I am going to do until I get different insurance and can go back to my other specialist.
We have enough to deal with in this world and we don’t need to add anything extra to our plates that’s going to be negative or dim the light in us. Meditate over your decision, pray, take deep breaths, listen to something whether soothing and relaxing that will help you bring your blood pressure back down.
Photo Credit By: Oluremi Adebayo
When you’re requesting a new doctor, ask for their name if it’s a large practice like the one I visited, they just assigned a doctor to me (no bueno), read the reviews and even after you make the appointment you see this person has bad reviews, it’s okay to call back and request someone that has great bedside manner, a wonderful listener and who deeply cares about their patients.
Much love to all of you and thanks for reading this long post, but I wanted to share what I went through and I hope that it can help others. I don’t want anyone to go through what I went through.
You are NOT alone in this journey and the one thing you want is to have the right people on your team whether it is medical, academically, and just within the circle of your friends. You want the right folks who will be honest with you but care enough about you to not hurt your feelings and break you down.
Be well everyone. May peace be with each of you. Just know…I care and I’m in your corner 🙏🏾
Photo Credit by Pixaby

Mindful Eating Tip: Put That Fork Down!

Blessings everyone, I hope all is well. Today I wanted to stop by and share with you what is mindful eating and a tip by doing a demonstration about putting the fork/spoon and glass down. A lot of people are using the word “mindfulness” but don’t know all that it is and that it can be applied to eating, whether you’re home or out at a restaurant. You can also do what’s called “mindful grocery shopping” and be more cognizant of the variety of colors of veggies and fruits you’re buying for example, looking at what ingredients are in certain foods, how much sugar is in the juice, etc. Instead of looking at price tags mostly…looking at what’s in the food, colors, variety and if it’s good for you and your loved ones. Even if it’s a treat (because we all deserve a treat once in a while) what’s in it and will it agree with your stomach.

Photo Credit By Kindel Media at Pexels.com

Mindful Eating is not a fad, a diet or anything like that…it’s about us building a good relationship with our food and looking at how we eat as you will see in the video.

Photo Credit by Nicole Michalou from Pexels.com

Stay tuned for more mindful eating segments and a series of workshops that I’m putting together to walk people through the basics of mindful eating. I will release info on my health and wellness coaching website (Divine Wryte Wellness) at www.divinewryte.com and my social media handles at divinewryte (and Facebook at divinewrytewellness) Have a wonderful day!

#mindfuleating #goodhabits #healthyrelationshipwithfood #goodfood #healthandwellness #healtylifestyle #healthandwellnesscoaching

Detoxifying Your Body from Your Kitchen Cabinets Part 1

Blessings everyone! I decided to finally post helpful blogs that can assist you in your wellness journey! I write for other online magazines and blogs and decided to share with all of you right here on my blog! Here is part 1 to Detoxifying Your Body from Your Kitchen Cabinets.

Remember to speak with your doctor about any detoxification methods. I am simply sharing information from what I have learned and if you would like to talk more about this process then you can book a health and wellness coaching appointment with me here. Cheers!

Detoxing from Your Kitchen Part 1!

On this healing journey I’ve been on I have learned a lot of great and affordable ways to detox the body by getting toxins flushed out, adding in anti-inflammatory agents, cooking with different oils, eating healthier, etc. Some remedies are right in our kitchens or can be found easily in a grocery store for under $10.00. Here are a few things that I use and researched.


Lemons actually help your digestive system and a great way to flush/cleanse the liver. The great health benefits of lemons are that they are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, packed with vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and a solid immune booster! One lemon can cost a mere .58 cents in some places! You can use them in water, tea, salad dressing, squeeze some on your food such as chicken and even put some of the lemon juice in your bath water.

I squeeze a slice of lemon in a glass of warm water first thing in the morning along with apple cider vinegar and some stevia. It flushes out toxins and gives my body a boost for the day! Lemons also help alkalize your body (proper pH level). Other benefits to lemons include:

  • Helps with acne
  • Lemon balm helps with anxiety
  • Keeps body tissue supple
  • Reduces inflammation which helps fight off diseases and strengthens bone
  • Also use lemon water to get rid of canker sores
  • It’s also a natural mouthwash.

Coconut Oil:

There are over 100 ways you can use coconut oil but I won’t list them all. A lot of people know this oil for hair conditioning as it helps replenish damaged hair and roots and is great for your scalp as well. It’s great for skin care (really helps with dry skin and eczema), assists with stress relief, cholesterol level maintenance, weight loss, boosted immune system, proper digestion, assists with glucose levels and regulated metabolism.

Coconut oil has a different kind of acid in it called lauric. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which is helpful in dealing with viruses and bacteria that cause diseases such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and even HIV. It also has capric acid and caprylic acid which have antifungal, anti-microbial anti-viral properties. It’s a great fatty acid as well and packed with Vitamin E, K and iron. Also fatty acids help with brain function and stimulation. I would suggest buying organic virgin coconut oil. Add it to smoothies, cook with it, take a spoon full and eat it. If you want to really get rid of bacteria from your mouth and other areas of your body take a spoon full (melted), put it in your mouth and swish it around. The goal is to do that for 20 minutes but start off slow. Some people can only get to 5 minutes because it begins to taste sour (that is all the gunk and bacteria). Then spit it out in the sink and rinse your mouth with water.

Lastly, Coconut Oil is a great way to combat yeast (such as Candida). I was once put on an antibiotic called Diflucan for Candida. It did nothing for me so I stopped taking it. I then switched to adding garlic pills into my daily regiment and added in coconut oil to smoothies or would just eat 3-4 teaspoons a day. Within a week I started to notice a difference (my hands were severely broken out before this routine) and within a month they were practically cleared up. Coconut oil is truly a natural wonder!


When people hear turmeric or curcumin they think seasoning for food. But what some don’t know are the many healing & medicinal properties in this herb/spice. This herb has been used in places like India for centuries. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant. You can use it on your food, salads or digest it by buying turmeric tablets, buying the extract or just mixing some of the powder in water and drinking it. No that is not the best way as the taste with water isn’t the best but it gets into your system. Turmeric is a potent antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals by blocking them and then increasing your body’s antioxidant enzymes to fight them off. It also helps with brain function as well.

One of my main symptoms that I struggled with was shortness of breath due to Lyme Disease. By adding in turmeric to my diet by taking pills and/or using the powder with water would relieve the symptom and after a while I didn’t have this horrid symptom every day. It helped clear my airways and of course knocked the free radicals out the box!

These are just a few things you can start doing. If you’re unsure of something then always consult your doctor, a nutritionist, or any practitioner that you trust about detoxification. You can also book a health and wellness coaching appointment with me here. Let’s walk this wellness journey together.

As mentioned above, use some of these items with caution. Slow and steady wins the race. You don’t want to detox your body too fast because it could make you feel ill. Stay tuned for more affordable and easy ways to detox through foods, herbs and more with part 2 next month. Stay healthy and be well.


Maryland University of Health

Kris Carr (www.crazysexylife.com)

Natural Awakenings Magazine

The Institute of Multidimensional Medicine

My Coaching Journey

Welcome to my first official blog for my coaching and health and wellness programs. You’ve probably read a little bit about me but just in case my name is Serena Wills and I am a health and wellness coach. I received my Master of Arts in Health and Wellness Coaching from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. I have 20 years of nonprofit experience which covers everywhere from after school programming, Arts education, literacy, training programs for adults and the list goes on. I have served my communities well in that aspect. I learned a lot about the health field from my mother who is no longer with me due to losing her battle with ovarian cancer. She was an adoptive parent to two of my sisters; one had severe brain damage and lots of medical issues because her biological mother having and dying from AIDS and my youngest sister has moderate to severe autism due to being born to a crack-addicted mother. I learned about their conditions, how to be an advocate for your loved ones, neurological disorders and the list goes on through my mother. She learned because she cared greatly about my sister’s and had not one stitch of background and the medical field. When we lost my sister Ayana who was 24 years old we grieved but we also celebrated her life because the doctors did not think she would make it past the age of 1. Due to my mother’s care and not giving up on my sister she lived 24 years on this planet.

GYN Cancer Ribbon

When my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer we had wished that we knew more about integrative health, holistic healing, nutrition, herbalism, etc and my mother didn’t have the best diet, she was very stressed and she did not get regular check-ups from the doctor. She poured so much into her children that she left her own health behind. Between chemo drugs and chemotherapy it ripped my mother apart and my mother had only wished that she knew more about natural healing.

I became an advocate for ovarian cancer and GYN cancers after losing my mother but then my own personal health battle struck when I was bitten by a tick and a few months later was diagnosed with Lyme disease after having numerous misdiagnoses from various doctors. I was diagnosed with everything from asthma to multiple sclerosis before the Lyme diagnosis. I tried the antibiotic route but it did not help me whatsoever. I was guided to an Integrative Health doctor in Washington DC, from there I met the neurologist I have now after a former neurologist didn’t know about Lyme disease. Even my current neurologist believes a lot in holistic and Integrative Health and I formulated a medical team of naturopaths, nutritionist, herbalist, chiropractor, acupuncturist and I learned so much of what I wish I would have known when my mom was sick.

My nutritionist and herbalist was at the time Tai Sophia Institute which is now Maryland University of Integrative Health. I was fascinated with the people, the building and the love and care I got from the staff because I walked in as a patient not knowing that years later I would walk out as a graduate with a graduate degree. The more I learned the more intrigued I was to go back to school because I wanted to help people in such a way where I wasn’t telling them what to do and giving them blatant advice but to be their guide on the side and the school had an excellent health and wellness coaching program.

Not only have I learned how to help others by being a health and wellness coach but I learned to help myself and become a better person not only for me but for my son, family and loved ones.

Photo Credit: J-Lynn VanPelt

Everyone’s path is different and in my particular case I was led to becoming a health and wellness coach after experiencing so much pain and loss and I wanted to turn that around for the greater good to help people out.



You can read more about the services I offer in the About Me section of my website. I’m going to share more about my story here on this blog and also you will see some health and wellness articles and we’ll talk about detoxification, healthy eating, mindfully eating and mindfulness overall. I want to share a lot of what I learned through my blog and hoping that between my blog and of course coaching I will be able to help a lot of people out there in this world who might feel alone, who don’t think they’ll ever heal, in the midst of transition and most importantly want an accountability partner, a guide on the side and someone who not only will help them with their goals but believe that they can make their goals manifest into something greater and to be there for them when they cross that finish line.

To learn more about health and wellness coaching and if it is right for you, please contact me here and schedule your 30 minute complimentary pre-discovery session.

Stay tuned for more blogs and information and thank you again for taking time to read my blog.

