Kickin’ It with KeKe Show! Mind Shift and Mindset Discussion

Blessings everyone! I had an amazing time as I checked in with my girl KeKe Chanel as we discussed the topic of a mind shift and mindset. We also talked about self-care, living and working within your purpose and more!!!!

Check out the replay and please feel free to like and subscribe our channels.

#mindset #mindshift #coaches #lifecoach #healthandwellnesscoach #wellness #health #mentalhealth

A Mindful Moment to Reset (Just 60 seconds)

Photo credit by Matheus Natan on
Blessings everyone! We are back from seeing family. It was a beautiful and much needed time. We are full from love and feel restored.
I received an email today that I had to share with everyone. My alma mater (Maryland University of Integrative Health) sends out daily tips for wellness. Today’s read,
“Take a mindful minute before your next meeting or starting a new work task. It’s amazing how just 60 seconds of silence can calm and refresh the mind. While at your desk, get up at least every 60 minutes and walk around. Stretching and engaging your body can help switch the channel in your brain and help you think more creatively.”
I will even take it a step further and say ‘new task’ overall. There are some people here that are caregivers to loved ones and some parents and guardians have kicked off the school year already with their children or your job doesn’t require a desk…you may be on your feet all day or driving.
So just 60 seconds of calm can truly make a difference. I’ve taken a breather while washing the dishes. Might not sound like much to some, but to be very present and not think about the next task for even just a minute, to do deep breathing or think of a joyous memory during that time can truly make the difference and reset the course of the day. It may be before you eat a meal…take a moment of calm and silence to reset.
Photo Credit by Brett Jordan of
I hope this has helped someone and thank you for stopping by as always. Please feel free to like and share this post.
If you or if you know someone who can benefit from health and wellness coaching or interested in a self care series at your job and would like to learn more, then I invite you to book a brief complimentary info session. Please contact me  at
May peace be with each of you.
#SelfCare #mindfulness #mindfulminute #healthandwellnesscoach #healthiswealth #resetyourmind #MUIH

Virtual Fall 2020 Workshop Series Announcement!

Greetings everyone! I have an exciting announcement about my Fall Workshop Series! This fall I’m offering six workshops!

I’m elated to kick off the series with Self Publishing 101 which will take place on Saturday, October 24th at 2:00pm EST through GoToMeetings! You can sign up at the EventBrite link below.

Other workshops being offered are:

Publishing Workshops:

Self Publishing 201: The Next Steps, Thursday, November 19th 

Health and Wellness Workshops:

Mindful Eating 101: How am I Really Eating, Saturday, November 7th 

Healing from a Job Loss & Stressful Workplace, Thursday, December 3rd

Mindful Eating 201: Restoring my Relationship with Food, Saturday, December 12th

What’s Next for Me? The Road that Our Loved Ones Want(ed) for Us, (Current and Former Caregivers of adults and elders), Thursday, December 17th

This is the season of Being More ER as my Soror Chetachi says. Being better, nicer, wiser, doing things greater and bigger!

For more details and to sign up for workshops please go to my websites above. All workshops are offered virtually so anyone from across the globe can participate. Be safe, well and take good care.


#FallWorkshopSeries #SerenaWills #publishing #indieauthor #healthandwellnesscoach