Lyme Disease Awareness Post: What Does a Neuro Ophthalmologist Do and Eye Disturbances: Many blessings and greetings everyone. I talked about neuro ophthalmologist in a post I did during the month of May and said I would come back to do a video to talk about the different levels of eye doctors.
In this post/video I talk about the difference, what each of them do and what drove my doctors to refer me to a neuro ophthalmologist. A lot of people that have visual disturbances but also have central nervous system disorders, eye disturbance, problems with their muscles and nerves are referred to a neuro ophthalmologist. Also, those like myself who had an abnormal MRI of their brain and coupled with visual disturbances, plus I wear glasses is what lead doctors to refer me to a neuro ophthalmologist to keep track of my eye health and to get testing done.
Please check out the video and if you want to learn more about Lyme disease, I encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube channel at divinewryte and feel free to also contact me here through my website or Facebook business page
Although Lyme disease awareness month is over, I advocate and educate all year long. Stay tuned for more videos and posts. Thank you for stopping by and God bless.
Many blessings everyone!! One of my Aunt’s sent the image above to me earlier today. One kind word can truly change the trajectory of someone’s day. They can have a tough day ahead and your kind word can push them through. You never know the impact of one kind word until you say it and sometimes it may happen at the end of the day. If that is the case, pause and give thanks for the kindness.
Also, be kind to yourself today too. Look at yourself in the mirror and say something positive to yourself.
Photo Credit By Pavel Danilyuk at
I remember leading a group through my Calm Connection Workplace Wellness Program recently through a variety of meditation’s. One in particular was the Loving Kindness Meditation and it felt so wonderful to not only share this with people, but to show them how just a little bit of kindness towards themselves and others can shift their entire day!
If you know of an organization, small company, Health practice or a group that could benefit from self-care workshops and a Workplace Wellness program; then please send them my way. It’s a blessing to help teach people how to de-stress while they are going through their day and how to be kind to themselves. You can find out more about my program by clicking here.
Be well everyone!!! Take good care. Remember to be kind to others and make sure to do the same for yourself. Many blessings.
Peace, love and light everyone, I hope all is well. I wrote a blog about bad bedside manner and how I’ve experienced doctor’s not being good listeners, misdiagnosing me, lack of compassion and other stuff. I decided to put a video together in honor of Ovarian Cancer and GYN Cancer Awareness month, but this video pertains to anyone with any sort of health condition (I have Chronic Lyme) and even if you have pristine health and getting your annual checkups, you still deserve the very best care.
For those who haven’t heard of this term “bad bedside manner” it means a few things. There’s a lack of or no compassion expressed, their listening skills is low or at a zero, yes they are medical experts BUT even though you are the expert of your own body they try to downplay what you do know about your own self & condition and they even will go as far as to state that a couple of the other doctors you may have on your medical team like I do are wrong (they are know it all’s). Some feel as if they can talk to you any which way.
Photo Credit: Brett Sayles
I hope this video empowers someone and sheds some light. You are your own best advocate and if you have a caregiver then they are as well. Just know that you are worthy of having the best care, to be the center of attention, to be listened to and to receive good treatment. PERIOD!
Photo Credit: Cottonbro of
Please feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I have more posts about Health and Wellness topics, do demonstrations and also discuss my journey as an author, poet and publishing coach. I’m across social media platforms at divinewryte except for Facebook…you can find me there under divinewrytewellness OR serenawills
Blessings everyone, I hope all is well. Today I wanted to stop by and share with you what is mindful eating and a tip by doing a demonstration about putting the fork/spoon and glass down. A lot of people are using the word “mindfulness” but don’t know all that it is and that it can be applied to eating, whether you’re home or out at a restaurant. You can also do what’s called “mindful grocery shopping” and be more cognizant of the variety of colors of veggies and fruits you’re buying for example, looking at what ingredients are in certain foods, how much sugar is in the juice, etc. Instead of looking at price tags mostly…looking at what’s in the food, colors, variety and if it’s good for you and your loved ones. Even if it’s a treat (because we all deserve a treat once in a while) what’s in it and will it agree with your stomach.
Photo Credit By Kindel Media at
Mindful Eating is not a fad, a diet or anything like that…it’s about us building a good relationship with our food and looking at how we eat as you will see in the video.
Photo Credit by Nicole Michalou from
Stay tuned for more mindful eating segments and a series of workshops that I’m putting together to walk people through the basics of mindful eating. I will release info on my health and wellness coaching website (Divine Wryte Wellness) at and my social media handles at divinewryte (and Facebook at divinewrytewellness) Have a wonderful day!
Blessings everyone, I hope all is well. Here is my second post on Lyme Disease Awareness Month which talks about prevention. Just a correction to my video, the infected ticks can pass on the bacteria Borrelia to a person that could cause Lyme Disease.
Not every person who is bitten by a tick will get Lyme Disease.
Take good care, be well and wishing each of you good health.