Lyme Disease Awareness: Statistics and The Power of Lab Work

Blessings everyone. Here is another Lyme Disease Awareness Post. As you can see from the video I address some questions asked about statistics in the United States. I also talk about deficiencies that Lyme can cause and how to detect what’s happening.

I also invite you to go on my YouTube page where you can view other videos about Health and Wellness and even my writing ventures. Please like them and subscribe to my channel at “divinewryte”

Take good care, be safe and well.

Detoxifying Your Body from Your Kitchen Cabinets Part 2!

In February I wrote part 1 which you can review here. Detoxing is not just a fad but people truly benefit from getting their body clean on the inside. With all of the allergens, sudden intolerances like gluten, chronic illnesses, toxins, environmental changes and the amount of steroids and antibiotics that are used on animals and viruses, it’s a wonder we are still standing. Below are some more ways you can detox your body right from your kitchen cabinets  affordably and the end result is great! You have more energy, better circulation (blood flow), some people lose weight, you’re assisting your organs, cells and even nerves with becoming stable and healed. The one thing I caution people is that not everything is for everyone. Start off slow and see what works well. If you feel a little fatigued, find yourself going to the bathroom a little more frequently…that is okay. Your body is purging out the nasty stuff. As always before you start detoxing to please consult with your medical provider or doctor. I am not an MD and what I am sharing has worked for me and many others. By no ways is this medical advice (that is my disclaimer). Some people are on medications and have to be careful with detoxing. Slow and steady wins the race but please…consult your doctor.


Garlic bulbs

I always loved garlic but never knew until several years ago all of the cleansing and healing properties in it. So what is in garlic to make it so powerful? Garlic contains a compound called Allicin, which has potent medicinal properties. Allicin is an organic sulfur compound. It assists with blood circulation as it is a natural blood thinner and is known to reduce high blood pressure and assists with giving you a good cholesterol level. It’s a natural antibiotic as it boosts your immune system, clears out germs and thins out fluids (like mucus). When I was diagnosed with Candida (a type of yeast) at one point I tried an antibiotic (Diflucan). It didn’t work well for me at all. It made me feel sick to my stomach. After about a month of using it, I discontinued it and consulted my nutritionist. She advised me to try garlic cloves (minced and taken either with food or I used to just swallow a minced clove with some almond butter to hide the taste) and a garlic supplement like Alli-Ultra, Allimax, Allicin, etc and to watch the carbs and sugars. My last test I had I was negative for Candida as garlic is now a part of my daily diet. I also had fungal outbreak on my hands at one point and while increasing my dosage of garlic, that too cleared up. (Garlic fights fungus).

Lastly it is also packed with anti-oxidants and at high doses, the sulfur compounds in garlic have been shown to protect against organ damage from heavy metal toxicity.

If you’re on blood thinners using a lot of garlic isn’t recommended or if you’re on blood pressure medication. Please consult with your doctor.


Ginger Root

Ever feel motion sickness or just plain nauseous? Drink some ginger root tea or grate some ginger and add to food, salads, smoothies or chew on it with something sweet and suddenly you will feel a whole lot better! It also helps with gas, that feeling of being bloated, that gurgling sound your stomach likes to make on occasion in the middle of a meeting or quiet work space. It has anti-inflammatory properties so it even helps out with colds, stuffy noses, achy joints and some people add it to their everyday diet to assist with the digestive track. It is also known to assist with inner ear disturbance. I bought some ginger for about $3.00 in the grocery store and it lasted me a little over a week.

Ginger is known as the wonder spice! It helps with the absorption of important nutrients so when you eat or take supplements it won’t just leave your body. You will feel better and refreshed after adding ginger to your life. It’s not the most attractive looking thing as you can see in the picture above but it is worth it.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera is great for your skin and hair, but did you know if taken internally it can help clear your body of toxins and with things such as irritable bowel syndrome? Aloe Vera contains anti-fungal and antiviral properties. By drinking some Aloe Vera juice you can aid your immune system. According to the healthy eating website, Aloe Vera helps to balance the immune system to reduce the effects of seasonal allergies, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory immune disorders. It reduces inflammation and helps with colitis and leaky gut syndrome. A word of caution…too much can cause diarrhea. Sometimes too much of a good thing can lead to side effects. They sell Aloe Vera juice in Trader Joes, Whole Foods, MOM’s and other health food places and online. You can get a nice size bottle for under $11.00 and it can last you 1-2 weeks.

A healthy diet is key as well as working out, staying active, creating peace (maybe through meditation, breathing techniques, prayer, etc) and connecting with a higher power (it’s not just a physical thing). You want to make sure you’re mentally, emotionally and spiritually intact. Always seek out the advice of your doctor before trying things out and/or a health practitioner such as a nutritionist or holistic practitioner before detoxing. Stay healthy and well my friends and be happy! Thanks for stopping by and tune in next time for some more health and wellness tips.


Maryland University of Health

Kris Carr (

Georgetown University Hospital—Department of Neurology