Blessings everyone!!! I pray all is well. This is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month and I wanted to share “The Story and My Why” and what happened when my mother, Marguerite “Sauti” Wills was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer August of 2009.
Her symptoms were at first vague and then became exasperated. She thought she was just going through menopause (which she was), but her symptoms became very painful and were exasperated.
Symptoms from Ovarian Cancer Can Often Be Vague
Please click that subscribe button when you head over to YouTube, like and share. Sharing is caring and helps people learn. Praying our story can shed some light and help someone. Peace love and light.
Blessings everyone!!! This is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and for those who may be new to me, I’m an Ovarian Cancer advocate. I help educate people about this cancer and advocate for a cure, more treatments, insurance companies to pay the bill and for greater support from our government.
Today’s post/video talks about two areas, symptoms to look out for and gene mutations.
As I said earlier in the month, for men to please listen and read all of these posts too. Just because you can’t get Ovarian Cancer naturally, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be educated on it. Everybody carries the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 gene, listen to find out more. Plus you can share knowledge with the girls and women in your life too.
Symptoms from Ovarian Cancer
This month 75% of all book sales (both paperback and e-books) through my store will go back to chapters of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition and SHARE Cancer Support.
Thank you for stopping by. Like, share and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you can learn more about various health and wellness topics, as well as my author and publishing journey.
Long post alert..but it’s worth it (Bedside Manner 101):
Peace, love and light everyone, I hope all is well. I wanted to stop by and share a recent experience I had with a new doctor who has no bedside manner. For those who have not heard of this term it means a few things. There’s a lack of or no compassion expressed, their listening skills is low, yes they are the experts medically BUT even though you are the expert of your own body they try to downplay what you do know about your own self, condition and they even will go as far as to state that a couple of the other doctors you may have on your medical team like I do are wrong (know it all’s). Although my doctors or practitioners have been in their field for years, have great reviews and have taken me a mighty and long way, this new doctor seemed to not care.
During my appointment I had to tell the doctor a couple of times, “I’m not here to argue with you.” If you find yourself having to say that to a doctor, health practitioner, etc, that is already an indication of red flags and they aren’t a good fit. I also had to state that I have been doing lots of research about Lyme disease and have been studying underneath world renowned doctors because I wanted to know more about all that was happening to me when I was diagnosed, see what others in the Lyme community struggle with and how to treat with a few lingering symptoms. The new doctor went on to say that some of what we were doing was not scientifically proven therefore he doesn’t support it. (Shaking my head by this point).
Photo Credit by Wallace Chuck at
I’m stopping by to let folks know that you don’t have to put up with doctors or practitioners like this. What I had to do in the midst of that appointment was take a few deep breaths behind my mask, told him exactly what I needed which I did receive which were labs and he even suggested some other tests that I agreed to that are necessary and went on about my business. I will also look for another specialist to take those results too because I’m not going to deal with him again.
During times like this, stress levels are extra high, when you are already dealing with a medical condition it puts even more strain on you as a person and your loved ones. The last thing you need is someone who’s going to talk down to you, who lacks compassion and really needs to learn about bedside manner no matter how long they’ve been a doctor or practitioner.
Photo Credit by Dr. Alison Chen
I’ve actually worked with clients of mine on this very topic and for it to happen to me again is like deja vu. I also did not hold in my emotions. When I got to a safe space which was my car this particular day, I turned on some inspirational music, I didn’t just drive right off and I let out a good cry. Crying is healing and I had to let it out. I also reached out to a couple of Elders that I trust and had them cover me in prayers and love.
Photo Credit By: Polina Zimmerman
Long story short, you deserve the very best for whoever is reading this, if someone is not going to work out on your medical team, your loved ones team if you are caregiver and the list goes on, then you can request another doctor or practitioner which is what I am going to do until I get different insurance and can go back to my other specialist.
We have enough to deal with in this world and we don’t need to add anything extra to our plates that’s going to be negative or dim the light in us. Meditate over your decision, pray, take deep breaths, listen to something whether soothing and relaxing that will help you bring your blood pressure back down.
Photo Credit By: Oluremi Adebayo
When you’re requesting a new doctor, ask for their name if it’s a large practice like the one I visited, they just assigned a doctor to me (no bueno), read the reviews and even after you make the appointment you see this person has bad reviews, it’s okay to call back and request someone that has great bedside manner, a wonderful listener and who deeply cares about their patients.
Much love to all of you and thanks for reading this long post, but I wanted to share what I went through and I hope that it can help others. I don’t want anyone to go through what I went through.
You are NOT alone in this journey and the one thing you want is to have the right people on your team whether it is medical, academically, and just within the circle of your friends. You want the right folks who will be honest with you but care enough about you to not hurt your feelings and break you down.
Be well everyone. May peace be with each of you. Just know…I care and I’m in your corner
Blessings everyone, I hope all is well. Today I wanted to stop by and share with you what is mindful eating and a tip by doing a demonstration about putting the fork/spoon and glass down. A lot of people are using the word “mindfulness” but don’t know all that it is and that it can be applied to eating, whether you’re home or out at a restaurant. You can also do what’s called “mindful grocery shopping” and be more cognizant of the variety of colors of veggies and fruits you’re buying for example, looking at what ingredients are in certain foods, how much sugar is in the juice, etc. Instead of looking at price tags mostly…looking at what’s in the food, colors, variety and if it’s good for you and your loved ones. Even if it’s a treat (because we all deserve a treat once in a while) what’s in it and will it agree with your stomach.
Photo Credit By Kindel Media at
Mindful Eating is not a fad, a diet or anything like that…it’s about us building a good relationship with our food and looking at how we eat as you will see in the video.
Photo Credit by Nicole Michalou from
Stay tuned for more mindful eating segments and a series of workshops that I’m putting together to walk people through the basics of mindful eating. I will release info on my health and wellness coaching website (Divine Wryte Wellness) at and my social media handles at divinewryte (and Facebook at divinewrytewellness) Have a wonderful day!
Peace, love and light everyone! I wanted to stop by with some more information about how we can control more toxins in our lives. You can go back to my first video that I did about learning about toxins for part 1:
Today we’re going to explore some products whether it’s for your hair, body, and household. These are just a few and as I stated in the video, I’m not a sponsor and no one paid me to talk about the products that you will see featured. It’s just to give you an idea and to shed some light on how products with more natural ingredients that you recognize can be more beneficial to your health. A few websites that I mentioned on my video are the Environmental Working Group and they do lots of product reviews and break down the ingredients that are NOT shown on labels of the bigger commercial brands and tell you the symptoms that it can cause and they give you a grade (A-F).
Other product websites (besides the ones you can find on Amazon or in your local Target or Walmart are): I Design Beauty by Stacy Y. Thomas at that has a line of wonderful products for men and women (my personal fave is the Hair Serum and Body Balm).
I Design Beauty
The other is Urban Country Club Limited by Monique Saunders at and has wonderful Shea butter products that could be used for your hair and skin (my favorite scents are mandarin orange and tea tree). Check out this video, feel free to please like and share because the goal is to help educate people so bit by bit we can all be healthier together. Start to explore what products you would like to start replacing with ones that would be more beneficial for your health and your loved ones.
Urban Country Club Limited
If you are interested in learning more about my health and wellness coaching practice and services please feel free to scroll through my website while you are here and if you want to set up a complimentary discovery session, then contact me and let’s talk. Many blessings!