Mental Bondage, a poem (Mental Health Awareness Month)

Photo Credit by Wallace Chuck at

Blessings everyone, I pray all is well. May is also Mental Health Awareness Month. I had the honor of doing a self-care presentation virtually for a wonderful organization in Maryland that is comprised of caregivers and professional support staff that help those with intellectual disabilities. We talked about various ways and techniques they can do that are free and very low cost so they can take really good care of themselves since they are in the roles of caring for others. That was a blessing and I’m thankful for that organization reaching out to me during this month.

I decided to finally record this poem that is in my first poetry book, “Reconstruction, Pieces of Life Volume 1” titled, “Mental Bondage.” I talk about some of the battles that some people go through with a mental illness that I have spoken to and in particular the poem is talking about folks who went cold turkey off of all their medications and supplements and it sent them into a downward spiral.

Please feel free to like and share and I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel at divinewryte.
I also invite you to check out my website where you can purchase poetry books, videos and podcasts, and an inspiring blog at

Many blessings to you and remember to be kind to yourself, know your boundaries or learn to make some and pray for those that are really going through mental health issues and illnesses.

Peace, love and light.

Copyright ©️ 2021 Serena Wills
All Rights Reserved

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalbondage #reconstruction

Lyme Disease Awareness Month Post–My Past Life…a poem

Photo Credit: Vincent Rivaud at
Peace, love and light everyone. This is Lyme disease Awareness Month and wanted to share some of my story through the video below and shed some light. We are in the throws of a pandemic, social injustices and so much more. Despite it all, there are people that are still battling illnesses and some who  are considered in the post stages like myself, but still deal with the residual symptoms and trying to get over those hurdles. Just making doctor’s appointments is even more challenging than ever.
There was once a time where I traveled the world. I loved flying the friendly skies, and just as I was going to start traveling again…I was struck by Lyme disease. As I post this blog, I have not flown in almost 11 years. I was going to start traveling again fall of 2012 since my son was 1 at the time and that is when I was bitten by the tick. I remember putting some trips off and I regret not going. If you learn anything from me…don’t put things off. Just do it, even if you have to save $1.00 at a time to travel.

In this video I share a poem that I wrote a few months ago in my Writing to Wellness Class facilitated by my beloved friend C. Thomas and hosted by Creative Suitland. This form of poetry is called, “A List Poem.” Think of a grocery list, but with a creative twist.

If you like or love what you hear, I invite you to check out my websites where you can find poetry, books, blogs, health and wellness coaching and conversation at or

Be well and blessed. One love.

#lymediseaseawarenessmonth #lymedisease #kindness #bemindful #respect

Lyme Disease Awareness Month 2021

Many blessings everyone and happy  May! I am in disbelief that 4 months of this year are already behind us. Praying for better to come throughout the year as the world slowly reopens.
This month is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. Throughout the month I will be posting facts and research that I’ve learned from the field, I will also do some videos as well to share my personal story and hoping I will appear on a couple of shows so I can educate and advocate as I always do.
Raising awareness about this disease for me is 365 days, but this particular month you may see your timelines blow up in green. Right now in the United States according to the CDC it’s estimated that 476,000 people have this disease and I believe that that is really undercutting the actual numbers.
My personal story is that I’m a survivor of this disease and I was diagnosed December 2012 after being poorly misdiagnosed 10 times. I was bitten by a tick September 2012. I didn’t have the typical bullseye rash if they tell you to look for nor did I know it wasn’t tick when I was actually bitten and my life has not been the same since. I am doing a whole lot better, but I have what you call, “Chronic Lyme disease” or some call it “Post Lyme syndrome” where thousands of us, millions globally, although we have undergone an array of treatments are still dealing with residual symptoms that just don’t want to quite go away. I also have been treating for a stubborn co-infection called Babesia (babesiosis) and I am the poster child of someone who looks very well and like nothing is wrong with me health wise. I will say again I have come a mighty and marvelous way from where I once was, but there are more days than I care to have where I am symptomatic. Everyday I live with symptoms…sometimes they aren’t really bothersome and other times I have flares.
I Don’t Look Like Anything I Have Been Through
My symptoms are not totally in remission yet and when that day comes I will probably wait it out for quite a few months before I deem myself in full remission. I am not saying all this for people to feel sorry for me or to feel bad, I believe in transparency because I want people to learn from what I have been through.
Anyway please look forward to more posts. If you can gain anything from this post it’s to please be kind to people because you never know despite how they may physically look, that they really may feel crappy internally.
Lastly I have written poetry about what I’ve gone through as well as my fellow Lyme warriors and there is a memoir on the horizon so stay tuned.
Many blessings and keep the faith.

Writing Through Grief

Blessings everyone! Last week was a bit tough for me and loved ones. Saturday night, April 24, I learned that a beloved one passed away. He was only in his 50’s and I’ve been praying for his family. We were all very close.
With everything happening I had to do something to brighten my spirit. I bought myself flowers from Trader Joe’s, I also went to my favorite writing class (Writing to Wellness) hosted by Creative Suitland and been in heavy prayer.
Yesterday my spirit felt heavy and I was tired. Life doesn’t stop despite people grieving. I did a mental and emotional shift, opened up my laptop and typed out poems that were in my journal. I felt a bit better afterwards.
Praying for my friends healing as well as her family’s, (my friend and are are like sisters). In times of grief, we have to do what is going to help us start the healing process and no one should be allowed to tell you how to grieve. If you need to cry, write, talk to people, get a therapist or counseling, pay honor to your loved ones, etc…do what you need to positively do so you can feel a bit better or helps you maintain because grieving is simply not easy. As a therapist said on a show the other week, “Grief is that unexpected, uninvited guest that we learn to live with.”
If you really need help…seek out a therapist, support group or counselor. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone or stay in a dark place.

Your Broken Pieces are Beautiful

Photo credit: Nata Romualdo on

Inspirational moment:

Good day everyone! I know its been a while since I posted blogs and getting back to where I was around this time last year. After my grandmother transitioned in November of 2020, a lot of things came to a halt. Learning to live life without her is a process.

Photo by Tom Swinnen from Pexels

I know many of you may be going through a lot right now, some may have even lost a loved one like me recently. There’s so much going on in the world. I decided to share a video I recorded from last spring. The title of the poem I’m reading is, “Burning Burden.” Whatever doesn’t break us will make us stronger. I know that is cliche, but it is true. Even those who feel broken…as I learned in a course I took that our life is like a mosaic. No piece is perfect and when you step back and look at the bigger picture of broken pieces, it’s transformed into a beautiful masterpiece.

If no one has told you…you are beautiful no matter how many broken pieces you may have. Every bit is being transformed into a masterpiece. Many blessings.

#YouAreAMasterPiece #burdens #inspiration