A Mindful Moment to Reset (Just 60 seconds)

Photo credit by Matheus Natan on Pexels.com
Blessings everyone! We are back from seeing family. It was a beautiful and much needed time. We are full from love and feel restored.
I received an email today that I had to share with everyone. My alma mater (Maryland University of Integrative Health) sends out daily tips for wellness. Today’s read,
“Take a mindful minute before your next meeting or starting a new work task. It’s amazing how just 60 seconds of silence can calm and refresh the mind. While at your desk, get up at least every 60 minutes and walk around. Stretching and engaging your body can help switch the channel in your brain and help you think more creatively.”
I will even take it a step further and say ‘new task’ overall. There are some people here that are caregivers to loved ones and some parents and guardians have kicked off the school year already with their children or your job doesn’t require a desk…you may be on your feet all day or driving.
So just 60 seconds of calm can truly make a difference. I’ve taken a breather while washing the dishes. Might not sound like much to some, but to be very present and not think about the next task for even just a minute, to do deep breathing or think of a joyous memory during that time can truly make the difference and reset the course of the day. It may be before you eat a meal…take a moment of calm and silence to reset.
Photo Credit by Brett Jordan of Pexels.com
I hope this has helped someone and thank you for stopping by as always. Please feel free to like and share this post.
If you or if you know someone who can benefit from health and wellness coaching or interested in a self care series at your job and would like to learn more, then I invite you to book a brief complimentary info session. Please contact me  at divinewryte.com/contact/
May peace be with each of you.
#SelfCare #mindfulness #mindfulminute #healthandwellnesscoach #healthiswealth #resetyourmind #MUIH

Lyme Disease, The Immunocompromised Community and COVID 19 on The Dr. Vibe Show

Peace, love and light everyone! If you missed this wonderful conversation or would like to check it out again, then click on the video to watch as we talked about Lyme Disease, the immunocompromised community and COVID 19. This conversation took a great turn as we dove into what it has been like as a single mother not only with Lyme Disease, but to live through a pandemic. It has been a journey to say the least. We ended the showing agreeing that we will have a follow up conversation and panel with other single parents and see how they have gotten through the pandemic, what were their supports and what do they do each day just to make it.

Many blessings and I know the storm is not over, praying for each of you as we get through this pandemic one step at a time.

#COVID19 #LymeDisease #Immunocompromised #Parenting #SingleParenting #Support #TheDrVibeShow

Living with Lyme Disease on The Victory Speaks Show

Blessings everyone! A big thank you to everyone who was able to tune into the Victory Speaks show on May 31st as we closed out Lyme disease Awareness Month. Many thanks to Nicole Donawa Waldron, the host of Victory Speaks, for a fantastic show. For those who didn’t get a chance to watch or couldn’t see the whole show, please check out the replay on YouTube and subscribe to our channels VictorySpeaks7 and divinewryte.

Although the month has ended and we are starting a new, I will always advocate for more research, way more treatments to be covered by insurance and educate people about Lyme disease all year long. So stay tuned for more updates from the field, the Lyme community and about my upcoming memoir that is about my battle with Lyme disease. Be well, safe and many blessings.

#lymewarrior #lymediseaseawarenessmonth #victoryspeaks #lymedisease

Lyme Disease Awareness Post: Toxins and Exposures…A Good Lesson for Everyone

Photo Credit By Cottonbro at Pexels.com
Many blessings everyone. Here’s another Lyme Disease Awareness Post that could help EVERYONE. I have learned a great deal about toxins and toxic exposure. It impacts people with Lyme Disease in more ways then I like. However I’m now more aware of what’s in various products, what I put on my body, cleaning products and pay more attention to my work environment and how it can all effect me and my son.
Check out my video and learn about toxins and take the challenge and while you’re at it, please subscribe to my channel at divinewryte.

We are surrounded by pollutants and toxins everyday, we may not be able to fully control what’s outside or at our work environments fully. In this video I talk about ways where bit by bit you can make changes that will enhance your life and keep you and your family safer. I encourage you as well to talk to your jobs if you are at an office about ways they can be a safer environment from cleaning products, cleaning the air vents, air filtration systems and even looking at the various equipment used like copiers, computers, printers for example and see if there are some on the market that wouldn’t expel toxins.
Photo Credit By Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.com
I invite you to also continue checking out my health and wellness coaching website where you can read blogs about detoxification methods on a budget and read about health and wellness.
Take good care, be well and wishing you good health.

#LymeDisease #LymeDiseaseAwareness #Toxins #ToxicExposure #GoNatural #Health #HealthyLifeStyle

Paramedic Adventures a Poem About Lyme Disease

Photo Credit By RODNAE at Pexels.com
Peace, love and light everyone, I hope all is well. This is a Lyme Disease Awareness post  and I wrote this poem in my Writing to Wellness class too. Being a writer and self-published author I love it when I can take classes and workshops that helps me sharpen my skills. As they say, iron sharpens iron and that is definitely what this class does for me.

We were challenged again to write a poem that addressed a form of trauma that we had been through and something very emotional. I wrote the beginnings of this poem in my class and it took a couple of days to finish it.

The title of this poem is, “Paramedic Adventures” and you will hear about the second time in less than a month that I had to go to the emergency room in the beginning part of the battle with Lyme disease before I even knew I had it. I can’t believe how long ago this was and I still remember it like it was yesterday.

The one thing about Lyme disease is quite a few of us have seen the ER way more than we would like to, been hospitalized and have had our fair share of paramedic rides. A lot of us receive treatments such as IV’s, procedures, sometimes surgeries and scans as I talked about in another video whether it’s an MRI, CAT scan, etc. Testing from various specialists and the list goes on.

It’s a very complex and misunderstood disease. I’m hoping that through my videos that I can enlighten people about this disease and spread awareness. If you like or love what you hear please share. I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel at divinewryte.

Also please feel free to stop by my website www.serenawills.com (Author, Writer, Publishing Coach) where you will find more poetry, an inspirational blog on there as well that shares tips on self-publishing, event notifications and videos.

May peace be with each of you.

Copyright ©️ 2021 Serena Wills
All Rights Reserved

#LymeDisease #LymeDiseaseAwareness #ERVisits #ComplexDisease