Ovarian Cancer Awareness: Divine Rebirth

Blessings everyone, this is an Ovarian Cancer Awareness post for Week #2 in 2020. I invite you to watch this informative video with a touch of poetry.

Enjoy the poem that I read from my book, “Crying Tears of Teal.” Please support by purchasing a copy/copies of this book. Crying Tears of Teal this month is $20.00 plus shipping. It includes ovarian cancer awareness pens, pencils, stickers and information. 75% of the proceeds that I raise this month from this book will go back to Nell’d It based out of Austin, TX, National Ovarian Cancer Coalition Chapters (DC Metro and Central MD chapter) and SHARE Cancer Support. I have 30 copies in stock and want to sell out!

You can purchase books at: www.serenawills.com/store/fundraisers/

Stay tuned for more posts. Thank you for your time, be safe and well.

#OvarianCancerAwareness #Teal #GetTheFacts #CryingTearsofTeal #supportgreatorganizations

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month is Here!

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month, it is also GYN Cancer Awareness month. I am an Ovarian Cancer Awareness Advocate. This month I am selling my a $20.00 option of my poetry book, “Crying Tears of Teal“, which is dedicated to those who have battled this cancer, their families, the survivors and to the loved ones that have passed away. With the price of this book plus shipping you will receive not only an autographed copy of “Crying Tears of Teal”, but you will also receive cool swag as well, such as pens, pencils, book marks and stickers.

75% of the proceeds raised by this book this month will be given to nonprofit organizations and chapters of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition.

Stop by my store on my serenawills.com website and pick up your copy today!

Let’s Learn About Mindful Eating & Join My Workshop

Greetings everyone. I know in the midst of the COVID19 Pandemic alot of us have been thrown off of our regular schedules, which can be a good thing. It’s time to reset and realign ourselves. We can use this time to review what we eat and even restore our relationship with food and learn how to mindfully eat.

What is Mindful Eating? It’s a way to where you are not distracted, take your time chewing your food so you can get the taste and the feel of what you are eating, putting the fork/spoon down in between bites to savor your food and really being one with what you eat. It’s a way to look at how you are sitting when you are eating, are you eating on the run, are you really listening to your body when its full or even when you haven’t eaten all day.

Ask yourself how many of us make our meals and not excited about what we are about to eat, eat at our desks at work or on front of the laptop while working remotely, in the car while on the go and not truly knowing what all is in your food? Do your grocery lists look the same week after week? Let’s explore together our food! In this workshop we will walk through mindful eating exercises that will make us look at the portions we put on our plate, how colorful our food is, how many bites we are taking and tasting our food. So many of us live busy lives. Let’s take a pause for the cause and build a relationship with our food.

We will go through guided exercises by experts in the field, review video and physically experiment with food. All participants will be asked to take the Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ) before attending this workshop.

You will walk away with a more keen eye on what you’re eating and how you want your food to taste, a desire to want to make tasty meals that are healthy, how to enjoy your meal and ways to be more mindful while preparing your meal and eating.

Sign Up for the next Mindful Eating 101 Workshop that will be held virtually on Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 2:00pm EST


Based on a sliding scale from $10-$25.00 as so many have been financially impacted by COVID-19.

Sign up for this workshop today as spots are limited.

I will see you then (virtually)! Excited to share with you what I have learned about Mindful Eating. Cheers!


Let’s Learn about Toxins and Exposure

Greetings, below you will find a video where I talk about Toxins and Exposure. Everyone unfortunately is exposed and I talked about my journey with toxic overload and just how I was able to control some of what I was subjected to in regards to exposure. I’ve learned a great deal along this journey with both being diagnosed with Lyme Disease, other family members health battles and now being a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

Check out the video and I hope that you can learn a few things and start doing your own research. I challenge you to start making changes even if it’s just one simple thing you can do in your household to lower toxins and exposure. Peace, love and light.

Parenting with an Illness Part 2

Many blessings everyone. Last month I posted a blog about Parenting with an Illness and shared part of my story about Lyme Disease while raising my son. When diagnosed my son was only a little over a year old.

Check out the video where I talk about Parenting with an Illness part 2. Take good care, spread light and love.