Lyme Disease Awareness Post: Neuro Ophthalmology and Eye Disturbances

Lyme Disease Awareness Post: What Does a Neuro Ophthalmologist Do and Eye Disturbances: Many blessings and greetings everyone. I talked about neuro ophthalmologist in a post I did during the month of May and said I would come back to do a video to talk about the different levels of eye doctors.

In this post/video I talk about the difference, what each of them do and what drove my doctors to refer me to a neuro ophthalmologist. A lot of people that have visual disturbances but also have central nervous system disorders, eye disturbance, problems with their muscles and nerves are referred to a neuro ophthalmologist. Also, those like myself who had an abnormal MRI of their brain and coupled with visual disturbances, plus I wear glasses is what lead doctors to refer me to a neuro ophthalmologist to keep track of my eye health and to get testing done.

Please check out the video and if you want to learn more about Lyme disease, I encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube channel at divinewryte and feel free to also contact me here through my website or Facebook business page
Although Lyme disease awareness month is over, I advocate and educate all year long. Stay tuned for more videos and posts. Thank you for stopping by and God bless.
#LymeDisease #LymeDiseaseAwareness #eyehealth #disorders #healthandwellness