Lyme Disease Awareness Month Post: Procedures, Tests and Labs…


Lyme Disease Awareness Month Post: Procedures, Tests and Labs…

Blessings everyone. Praying all is well. I wanted to stop by as I decided to do another video based on another appointment I had. I finally got an overdue CT scan.
With Lyme comes things like swollen/inflamed lymph nodes, inflammation in various parts of the body, etc and it requires those areas to be looked at more closely to see what’s going on. Also, I talk a little bit about the journey of labs, IV’s and more.
Check out the video and please like and share. My goal is to educate and advocate as many as I can through my journey, what I’ve learned from other Lyme Warriors, trusted practitioners, research, etc.
Be well and stay blessed.

#lymedisease #lymewarriors #lymediseaseawareness