Lyme Disease Awareness Month Post–My Past Life…a poem

Photo Credit: Vincent Rivaud at
Peace, love and light everyone. This is Lyme disease Awareness Month and wanted to share some of my story through the video below and shed some light. We are in the throws of a pandemic, social injustices and so much more. Despite it all, there are people that are still battling illnesses and some who  are considered in the post stages like myself, but still deal with the residual symptoms and trying to get over those hurdles. Just making doctor’s appointments is even more challenging than ever.
There was once a time where I traveled the world. I loved flying the friendly skies, and just as I was going to start traveling again…I was struck by Lyme disease. As I post this blog, I have not flown in almost 11 years. I was going to start traveling again fall of 2012 since my son was 1 at the time and that is when I was bitten by the tick. I remember putting some trips off and I regret not going. If you learn anything from me…don’t put things off. Just do it, even if you have to save $1.00 at a time to travel.

In this video I share a poem that I wrote a few months ago in my Writing to Wellness Class facilitated by my beloved friend C. Thomas and hosted by Creative Suitland. This form of poetry is called, “A List Poem.” Think of a grocery list, but with a creative twist.

If you like or love what you hear, I invite you to check out my websites where you can find poetry, books, blogs, health and wellness coaching and conversation at or

Be well and blessed. One love.

#lymediseaseawarenessmonth #lymedisease #kindness #bemindful #respect